The Path to Good Jiu Jitsu Habits

Embarking on a journey in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) whether at High Altitude Martial Arts or elsewhere in Denver is not just about mastering techniques on the mat; it's also about cultivating habits that contribute to a healthy and sustainable…

A Guide to Treating New Students at the Martial Arts Academy

New and returning students are always welcome at High Altitude! We have students who followed up from Aurora to Denver and live all over Colorado! Embarking on a martial arts journey is a transformative experience, and the initial steps into…

Benefits of Youth Kickboxing at High Altitude

In recent years, the popularity of kids kickboxing has been on the rise, and for good reason. Beyond the physical aspects of this martial art, kids kickboxing offers a myriad of benefits that contribute to a child's overall well-being. In this…

Empowering Young Minds: How Jiu Jitsu Benefits Children's Mental Health

Jiu Jitsu, beyond its physical techniques and self-defense applications, holds a unique power to positively impact children's mental health. The practice instills valuable life skills and provides a supportive environment for emotional well-being.…

Unleashing Your Potential: Martial Arts New Year's Resolutions for 2024

Have you always wanted to try Jiu Jitsu or Kickboxing? Did you train and take a break? No better time than now to start back up! Our Denver location is just a year old but we were a staple of Aurora for a decade. As we step into the fresh pages…

Kickboxing: Your Ultimate Weapon Against Holiday Calories

As the holiday season approaches, so does the temptation of festive treats and indulgent meals. Discover how kickboxing at High Altitude Martial Arts in Denver can be your powerful ally in the fight against holiday calories, providing a dynamic…

How Martial Arts Can Prevent Bullying

Bullying is an unfortunate reality that many individuals, especially children and adolescents, face in their lives. It can have severe and long-lasting effects on a person's mental and emotional well-being. However, one effective method to…

The Mile High Mania: Why MMA is So Popular in Colorado Right Now

In the heart of the Rocky Mountains, a fervor for combat sports has been steadily growing. Colorado, a state known for its stunning landscapes and outdoor adventures, has also become a hotbed for a different kind of thrill - Mixed Martial Arts (MMA).…

A Parent's Tale - Bullying Stops Here!

Our concerns as parents became a reality when our second-grade son faced bullying at school in Denver. A classmate not only called him names but also physically prevented him from accessing the school playground, escalating to punches in the…

How Can Women Feel More Comfortable Training with Men in Jiu Jitsu?

Some female students have said training with men in Jiu Jitsu can initially feel intimidating, but it's essential to create a comfortable and inclusive training environment for everyone. At High Altitude Martial Arts, we offer a free women's…