Does Jiu Jitsu Rank Matter?

Short answer...No. Why? Jiu Jitsu is a marathon not a sprint. Comparing your journey to someone else's is like comparing apples to oranges. A black belt can be beaten by a lower rank on any given day. Some days you may be the hammer, catching…

How long does each belt take in Jiu Jitsu?

One of the most common questions and curiosities for new BJJ students is how long it takes to get their next belt. Belts are a symbol of status and experience, so it makes sense to want to rise through the ranks of your gym quickly to gain…

Will Martial Arts Make My Child Become A Bully?

This is a common concern amongst parents. And it turns out, martial arts can in fact do the opposite. Children who train martial arts are less likely to be bullied and even less likely to become bullies. Here are five reasons why Kickboxing…

Can Jiu Jitsu Help With Wrestling?

Wrestling and Jiu Jitsu are different martial arts that can supplement each other. Adding some a Jiu Jitsu grappling can improve your wrestling skills. Some of the skills you have learned in Jiu Jitsu can translate quite well to Wrestling.  Jiu…

Cory Sandhagen Striking Seminar - Non Members Welcome!

When you think of Cory “The Sandman” Sandhagen, you think of flying knees, spinning elbows, a flurry of combinations, and beautiful footwork. Here is your opportunity to learn from one of the top UFC Bantamweights! You won’t want to miss…

6 Things To Do When Your Child Wants To Quit Martial Arts

Your child has been attending Jiu Jitsu or Kickboxing class and they seem to enjoy it. You watch them roll around and laugh with their friends. You see them punching and kicking and learning. Then they tell you they want to quit. Children are…

​​​​How Can Jiu Jitsu Help Military Veterans?

For many veterans, returning to civilian life can be a very difficult. It is very common for veterans to return with varying degrees of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, which can make this transition every more extraordinarily difficult. There…

What Is The Difference Between Kickboxing and Muay Thai?

While Kickboxing and Muay Thai do have some common elements, there are several notable differences.  What is Muay Thai? Muay Thai is a martial art that focuses on dealing powerful blows using punches, elbows, knees, and kicks. The…

What Should I Wear For BJJ Class? (Gi and No-Gi)

When it comes to what to wear to your Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) classes there are no right answers but there are certainly wrong answers. Without a lot of experience this can be confusing for new BJJ students, but here we will explain what…

Is Kickboxing Good for Self Defense?

Kickboxing will help you develop skills to defend yourself, should the occasion does arrive. No one wants to be put in a situation where a physical altercation might occur, but if it does, your kickboxing classes will give you the tools to…