Whether you practice jiu-jitsu or kickboxing, your training gear is an essential investment that requires proper care to stay in good condition and avoid nasty odors or bacterial buildup. Below are some tips for keeping your gear clean and fresh. This is essential to keep the mats and you safe from skin irritants and spreading germs.

Jiu-Jitsu Gi Care

The jiu-jitsu gi is prone to sweat, dirt, and sometimes even blood stains due to the nature of the sport. Here’s how to keep it in top condition:

Washing Tips

  • Wash after every use: Never leave a used gi in your gym bag for too long. Bacteria grow quickly in sweaty fabrics, leading to unpleasant odors and even skin infections.
  • Cold water wash: Use cold water to prevent shrinkage and maintain the gi’s durability. Hot water can weaken the fabric and fade the colors.
  • Mild detergent: Opt for a mild, unscented detergent to avoid skin irritation, especially if you have sensitive skin.
  • Avoid bleach: Bleach can degrade the fabric and damage the stitching, weakening your gi over time. Instead, use a little white vinegar in the wash to combat odor.
  • Air dry: Avoid using a dryer, as the heat can cause shrinkage. Hang your gi in a well-ventilated area to air dry. If necessary, tumble dry on a low or no-heat setting.

Prevention Tips
Multiple gi rotation: If you train multiple times a week, invest in more than one gi. This gives each one a chance to fully dry between uses.
Spot clean stains immediately: Don’t let stains set in. Treat them with cold water and a gentle stain remover as soon as possible.

Kickboxing Gloves Maintenance

Kickboxing gloves can harbor bacteria and produce strong odors due to sweat buildup. Regular maintenance will keep them fresh and extend their lifespan.

Wipe Down After Each Use:
– Use a clean towel to wipe off excess sweat after every session.
– For an extra clean, spray the inside with a glove deodorizer or a mixture of water and vinegar.

Air Them Out:
– Don’t leave your gloves zipped up in your bag. Let them air out in a well-ventilated area after each session to prevent bacteria from thriving.
– Consider using glove deodorizers or glove dryers (small inserts) that help absorb moisture and keep the gloves smelling fresh.

Deep Clean Periodically:
– Every few weeks, give your gloves a deeper clean by wiping them with a mixture of water and mild soap or disinfecting wipes. Avoid submerging them in water, as this can ruin the padding.

Shin Pads Care:
Shin pads, like gloves, come into constant contact with sweat, especially in kickboxing and Muay Thai. To avoid odors and bacteria, regular cleaning is a must.

Wipe Down After Use:
– After each session, wipe the shin pads with a damp cloth or disinfecting wipe to remove sweat and dirt. Make sure to pay attention to both the outside and inside padding.

Air Dry Properly:
– After cleaning, always air dry the shin pads. Avoid putting them in a closed space like your gym bag while still damp, as this encourages bacterial growth.

Deodorize Regularly:
– Like gloves, you can use deodorizer sprays or inserts to combat odors. You can also lightly spray the inside with a mixture of vinegar and water, then let them air dry.

Check for Wear and Tear:
– Regularly inspect your shin pads for wear and tear, such as cracks or thinning padding. Cleaning is essential, but ensuring your gear remains protective is equally important.

General Gear Care Tips:

  • Make sure to wash your gym bag regularly. Most can be thrown right in the washing machine.
  • Proper storage: Never leave your gear in a hot car or packed in a gym bag after use. Always air dry everything in a cool, ventilated space.
  • Bacterial sprays: Consider investing in antibacterial or antifungal sprays for your gloves, shin pads, and even your gi to prevent mold or fungi from developing.
  • No heavy fragrances: Avoid heavily fragranced products, as they can mask odors without addressing the underlying bacteria.

By following these steps, you’ll not only keep your training gear fresh and odor-free but also extend its lifespan, allowing you to train in comfort and safety. There will come a time when you will need to replace your gear. Invest in quality and take care of them so they last a long time. Visit our retail area for the newest and freshest gear.