As a dad, I always knew the importance of teaching my son values like discipline, respect, and focus. Like most parents, I tried different activities—team sports, music lessons, and even martial arts—but nothing seemed to stick. That was until I signed him up for jiu-jitsu at High Altitude Martial Arts which was located in Aurora, Colorado.

At first, I thought jiu-jitsu would just be another activity to try. He wasn’t particularly excited about it, but we both agreed to give it a shot. What I didn’t anticipate was how this martial art would completely transform not only his attitude toward sports but also his focus, discipline, and overall character.

The Early Days: Resistance and Frustration
The first few weeks were rough. My son struggled with the techniques, and as with anything new, his frustration started to show. Jiu-jitsu isn’t easy—it requires patience and practice to master even the simplest moves. He wasn’t used to having to work so hard for something. He wanted to give up, and I was tempted to let him, but I encouraged him to keep going. I knew there was something special about this sport, and I wanted him to experience it.

The Turning Point
Then something clicked. One day after class, he came home not frustrated, but determined. He was talking about how close he came to mastering a specific sweep and how he was going to practice it until he got it right. This was the first time I saw him truly invested in something. He wasn’t just showing up to class anymore—he was setting goals and putting in the effort to achieve them. It was like a light had been turned on inside him.

A Newfound Discipline
The changes didn’t just stop on the mat. Soon, I began to notice differences at home and at school. His ability to focus on tasks improved dramatically. Homework that used to take hours was now being completed efficiently, without the usual distractions or complaints. He became more organized and disciplined, waking up early on his own to pack his school bag or get ready for training.

He was also handling challenges with a newfound calmness. Instead of getting upset or giving up when something was difficult, he applied the same mindset he learned in jiu-jitsu: stay calm, stay focused, and keep working until you succeed.

Respect and Humility
One of the greatest aspects of jiu-jitsu is that it teaches respect and humility. My son was learning to respect his coaches, his peers, and most importantly, himself. There’s a certain humility that comes with getting submitted repeatedly on the mat. It teaches you that there’s always something to learn and that it’s okay not to be the best right away.

He started treating others with more patience and kindness. Whether it was helping a younger kid in class or being more considerate at home, his attitude reflected the values he was learning in jiu-jitsu. The respect he gained for his teachers and teammates extended into how he treated his family, friends, and even his schoolwork.

The Power of Perseverance
Jiu-jitsu also taught my son one of the most important lessons in life: perseverance. In a sport where it’s normal to lose more than you win, he learned the value of sticking with something, even when it’s tough. This mindset shift was huge. He was no longer looking for the easy way out. Instead, he embraced the challenges and pushed through them.

This newfound perseverance helped him in all areas of his life. Whether it was a difficult math problem or a challenging situation with friends, he was no longer easily discouraged. He had learned how to stay focused and work through obstacles—skills that will serve him well into adulthood.

A Grateful Dad
As a dad, I couldn’t be more proud of the person my son is becoming. Jiu-jitsu didn’t just teach him how to defend himself; it taught him discipline, focus, respect, and perseverance. It’s amazing to see how much he has grown in such a short amount of time.

I believe that every child could benefit from the lessons that jiu-jitsu provides. It’s more than just a sport; it’s a way to build character and instill values that will last a lifetime. If you’re considering signing your child up, my advice is simple: do it. You might be surprised at the transformation you’ll witness, just like I was.