A few weeks ago, we asked everyone to sum up their first Brazilian Jiu Jitsu or Striking class experience in one sentence. Here are the responses we have received so far:
- Never knew my body could do this…I’m a human pretzel!
- Challenging but feeling accomplished; I was home.
- This place feels like home.
- My only thought was, “Wow, my cardio is bad”.
- It was freeing.
- So much fun being able to learn chokes and locks that are dangerous.
- Pure, unadulterated joy…and sweat!
- Too out of shape to jump guard.
- It was similar to what I imagine groundhogs day felt life; I eventually could see what was coming but still couldn’t stop it!
- One class and I was hooked!
- Wait, there’s another class right after this, and i can do that one too?!?!
- Forced yoga.
- Everyone is reallllllyyyyyyy nice and helpful.
- The timing worked out that I actually participated in a tournament before I started training and studying BJJ. I was armbarred 3 times and loved every minute of it. Definitely made me excited to take my first class 🙂
- Damn, I’m hungry.
- Great to meet new friends and see everybody working so hard.
- I knew it would be tough going in and I was a regular at the gym, but nothing preps you for the whole body physical and mental demand that BJJ puts you through.
Keep the submissions https://woobox.com/suykd8 coming! Kristina Sotolongo, was our first lucky winner and won a HAMA tank top!